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Small Peristaltic Pumps

No1. The Engineer’s Guide- How to Choose Motors for Peristaltic Pumps

I. Inrodcution I.I What is a peristaltic Pumps Peristaltic pump is a small water treatment pump that delivers fluid by compressing and relaxing hoses or pipes inside the pump. Peristaltic…

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Electric Ball Valve actuator

How to Design a Gear Motor for Electric Ball Valve Actuator

What is Electric Ball Valve Actuator? An electric ball valve actuator is a mechanical device used to control an electric ball valve, which usually consists of a gear motor, a…

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How to design a gear motor for electric valve

Designing a gear motor for an electric valves system requires careful consideration of several key factors, including waterproofing, torque, lifetime, reliability, and power requirements. Here are some steps to consider…

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5 steps to design a solar tracker motor

DC geared motor is the best choice for solar trackers. High-efficiency, low-cost DC brushed motors are dominating the major market in solar system.

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