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Gear Motor Selection Guide ( How to choose high torque Gear Motor )
Jiaming Cai
September 26, 2023
I. Introduction A. Introduction : How to Choose High Torque Gear Motor This article aims to provide a comprehensive and…

DC Gear Motor vs Planetary Gear Motor (SG-555 vs PG-36)
Jiaming Cai
August 23, 2023
In this article, DONCEN MOTOR will share the structure comparison and efficiency difference of two different geared motors ( Planetary…

What is Worm Gear Motor
Jiaming Cai
July 18, 2023
Introduction In the world of mechanical engineering, gear motors play a crucial role in various applications. One such type of…

What is a Gearbox Housing (Gearbox Casing)
Jiaming Cai
July 6, 2023
DONCEN MOTOR is a professional micro gearbox factory in China. In this article, we take an in-depth look at the…

What is a Gearbox Motor?
Jiaming Cai
June 27, 2023
A gearbox motor, also known as a gear motor, is a high-torque low-speed motor that combines a gearbox with an…

DC Geared Motor 2023: Micro Motor Technology
Jiaming Cai
June 16, 2023
In the rapidly evolving world of motor technology, DC geared motors have become a critical component in various industries, thanks…

Spur Gearbox Components and Parts:What you need to know about Spur gearbox?
Jiaming Cai
December 16, 2022
A spur gearbox is a mechanical device used as a deceleration device on a motor. The classic gearbox system consists…

5 Best gear processing types ( gears for electric motor gearbox )
Jiaming Cai
December 16, 2022
Since gears are among the oldest mechanical parts still in use today, the idea of them has been around for a while.…

Differences Between Spur and Planetary Gear Motor
Jiaming Cai
December 14, 2022
Planetary gear motor and Spur gear motor are two kinds of motor which uses a gearhead to reduce the speed…

What is a gear motor (2023)?
Jiaming Cai
November 17, 2022
Doncen Motor focus on the development and design of micro DC gear motors for 20 years. As a pioneer in…